Saturday, January 17, 2009
Ok so the other day i saw those hacked blue pikmin hats and i was like "cool" but i didn't really want one. But now i see those hacked lighsabers AND I WANT ONE!!!!!! *clears throat* sorry about that i lost my cool for a second. So does anyone know how to make these?
Can someone help me?
anyway i have a question. when you extract a save file on city folk it comes with
-and some other files
i know what RVFOREST does but what do the others do?
-and some other files
i know what RVFOREST does but what do the others do?
Riverene Projects, Town, Villagers, and Map!
Projects Done: Mashi and Pakera are done! Here is a picture of Mashi.
New Villager: Scoot moved in. Need to edit him!
You guys all voted Town #2 none for Town #1 XD
New Project: Aerial! Made by MrMan011
Name: Aerial
Species: Octupus
Gender: Female
Personality: Snobby
Birthday: November 23rd
Furniture Set: Princess theme (Gracie)
Music: K.K. Lullaby
Catchphase: bubbly
Picture Inscription: "Down there they call me Princess of the Deep"
Description: Bright white skin with dark blue under (suction-cups, inside of mouth, whatever else). Green eyes with lightblue eyeshadow. Light blue cheeks. Yellow star on the back of her head.
Marquee Secret Room Discovered?

I was searching ACC and found this picture on the Marquee Secret Room Investigation Thread. Some say it's photoshop, edited and etc. A Hacker said he used hacking to get up there. It's still unknown if the photo is real or fake. All we can say is this gives a bigger possibility to the Marquee Secret Room.

Attention all NPC Editors! New Way to add Colors!
The Mashi project was great til I had to color her skin. The palette on paint and on the image didn't have the right skin color. I decided to try an experiment. I opened Pakera's palette and copied a light brown color square. I than pasted it on Mashi's Palette and put it over the cacasion color. I than pressed Import Textures, than Export Textures and I was amazed. It actually worked. All the image's skin went from cacasion to light brown! Use this to get colors you couldn't get before!
Admin Note: For a full tutorial on changing NPC's palettes, go to and scroll down to tutorial #3...
Admin Note: For a full tutorial on changing NPC's palettes, go to and scroll down to tutorial #3...
Friday, January 16, 2009
Gates Open
Gates Open right now! Literally open no catch! Come see Pekera, and Mashi!
EDIT: Brawlermatt if you read this please comment your FC cause I accidentally deleted yours DX
EDIT: Brawlermatt if you read this please comment your FC cause I accidentally deleted yours DX
New Project: Mashi
I decided to search for a new idea so I looked at the Create Your Own New Character Thread, and found Mashi. Mashi was created by link76. Not only did he tell the info but made a picture. Due to his effort I thought I should do Mashi the cat.
Click here for the picture
Name: Mashi
Species: Cat
Gender: female
Personality: normal
Birthday: April 21
Furniture Set: lovely
Wall/Floor: lovely wall/floor
Music: K.K. Ballad
Catchphrase: ...nyee
Picture Description: I'm gonna beat you in the next Bug-off!
Clothes: lemon gingham
Description: A cat with brown fur, but her ears are purple. Her mouth is usually frowning and she has purple eyes. She has some fur sticking up at the top of her head that is also purple. The tips of her hands, feet, and tail are all purple. She also has rosy cheeks.
Click here for the picture
Name: Mashi
Species: Cat
Gender: female
Personality: normal
Birthday: April 21
Furniture Set: lovely
Wall/Floor: lovely wall/floor
Music: K.K. Ballad
Catchphrase: ...nyee
Picture Description: I'm gonna beat you in the next Bug-off!
Clothes: lemon gingham
Description: A cat with brown fur, but her ears are purple. Her mouth is usually frowning and she has purple eyes. She has some fur sticking up at the top of her head that is also purple. The tips of her hands, feet, and tail are all purple. She also has rosy cheeks.
Man i'm swamped!!!!
i'm currently planning 7 different projects and that's the easy part the hard part is that you can't make a villager unless that type of animal is already in the game. All I can hope for is to see this problem fixed in the next update.....
P.S. Hacking, how do you make parts of characters invisible?
P.S. Hacking, how do you make parts of characters invisible?
Ideas Anyone????
Hello everyone!
Hope everyone is having fun with hacking. I am inspired by Keno and Roflman but can't think of anyone to make. If you have any ideas post a comment to this post.
Hope everyone is having fun with hacking. I am inspired by Keno and Roflman but can't think of anyone to make. If you have any ideas post a comment to this post.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Current Project: Pakera
Kittboot gave me an idea. If villagers have nieces and nephews, why not store owners, or workers? Pakera is the niece of Pelly. Here is the info:
Species: Bird
Gender: Female
Catchphrase: sweetie
Personality: Normal
Birthday: July 7th
She's like a clone of Pelly but a villager. I have decided to give a story too.
"Pakera has finally graduated from college, and she wants to become a teacher. She asks her family on who to go to. They all said Pelly, a had workgirl that knows a lot, and is very organized. Pakera hadn't met Aunt Pelly before, but she decided to go to it. She headed far by bus, boat, taxi, plane, and foot. Finally she arrived at Riverene by bus, and headed to met her Aunt Pelly, at the Town Hall. When she finally got to the Town Hall she looked at Pelly and it was as if she was looking in a mirror. They talked about there life to know each other, and Pelly suggested staying at Riverene while she teaches her. Pakera agreed, and set up her house, and is prepared to learn much from Aunt Pelly"
That's the story. Pretty stupid I know. xD
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Secret Neighbor Coming Up!
I got my NPC Editor working, but I have sadly left the AC:GC RC.
In other news I am creating a new character and I will hope you all like him!
Hint: Delete, delete, delete. (Doctor Who Reference)
In other news I am creating a new character and I will hope you all like him!
Hint: Delete, delete, delete. (Doctor Who Reference)
Update: NEW! Kittboot Project
Species: Cat
Catchphrase: p'arrgh
Personality: Peppy (F)
Birthday: Unknown
I also thought of a little story:
"It had been a few years since Kittboot had seen her uncle, Catboot... Then, one day, she had recieved news that an evil opposing pirate clan, 'The Sea Woofies', had defeated her uncle during battle and were coming toward the port... After some crying and some thought, she decided she'll have revenge on those other pirates and take her uncle's place... She put on his suit, equipped the whole town with weapons, went to war as soon as The Sea Woofies arrived...
She never found out who won, because while fending off a Woofie, she fell off the edge of the boat into the water... She then woke up on an island called "Rofltown"... On the beach, a superpowered man named Hacker saw her and welcomed her... She decided to take residence there until war calmed down at the port, and when it does, she'll pack up and travel back to the port..."
If anyone wants to make an animated version of that story, that'd be AWESOME! xD
Notice: NPC Texture Files and Patterns
If anyone that hacks is intrested in my NPC textures, please notify me...
You can ask me by email ( or commenting...
Also... Someone replaced all my patterns, so I am looking for newer and awesomer ones...

You can ask me by email ( or commenting...
Also... Someone replaced all my patterns, so I am looking for newer and awesomer ones...
Donations of awesome clothes patterns are appreciated... If you wanna sell or trade, that's fine, too...
More news: I have been thinking about making a club... Club members would have access to my town, see bonus pictures, be notified about secret projects and stuff, etc...
If you are interested in this, please comment below... But if no one is interested, then it will not happen... To become a member (if I make it), you must:
- Be active on the thread...
- Be active on the blog...
- Be kind...
- And whatever else I can think of...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
YouTube: New Video
New video posted on YouTube...
Shows my neighbors (after fooling around with the bus)...
The Serenity Trade is not hacked...
Just a glitch I guess...
AC:CF Vacation Theme Map - You Get to Choose!
I've changed my mind and decided to let everyone vote on which map they want! I shall post a desc. below each!
Upper Middle island consists of gate and many pine trees.
Middle Left island consists of Neighbors on Dark Green area, and a Coconut Tree Forest on the light green
Bottom Middle island consists of all the town's main buildings
Left peninsula consists of a Coconut Tree Forest.
Left peninsula consists of pine trees
Four Islands on the top row consists of the four human houses
Middle island consists Town Hall, Museum, City Bus Station, and BB
Lower island consists of Able Sisters and Nooks
Mini Island inbetween middle island and lower island contains fountain with Coconut Trees surronding it
Vote in a comment below!

Middle Left island consists of Neighbors on Dark Green area, and a Coconut Tree Forest on the light green
Bottom Middle island consists of all the town's main buildings
Left peninsula consists of a Coconut Tree Forest.
Left peninsula consists of pine trees

Middle island consists Town Hall, Museum, City Bus Station, and BB
Lower island consists of Able Sisters and Nooks
Mini Island inbetween middle island and lower island contains fountain with Coconut Trees surronding it
Vote in a comment below!
Monday, January 12, 2009
The Answers Come In....
ACC emailed me back the results of my ban. I immediately scroll down to the bottom to see how long I shall be banned. I gasp. "Why is the world so cruel...?" I thought to myself. The unvanquished truth was in front of me. I couldn't believe my eyes. A sad dark feeling came over me. "Well there's always the blog..." I thought again, and than looked back at the email. I laughed.
Yup, I thought the 4th Violation was a "5" instead of a "4". So I'm coming back to ACC Saturday, 9:00 P.M. ACC Time, shall be my unban time. Though I won't be on till Sunday as I'll be at a party! Can't wait to see my peeps!
Yup, I thought the 4th Violation was a "5" instead of a "4". So I'm coming back to ACC Saturday, 9:00 P.M. ACC Time, shall be my unban time. Though I won't be on till Sunday as I'll be at a party! Can't wait to see my peeps!
Wifi Down
I found out that my wifi isn't working, not because of Wifi Traffic, but of something else. I printed up the info on on what I could do. Hopefully it will work so people can visit, and I can see hacker!
Youtube: Two New Youtube Videos
Posted two videos on YouTube last night...
My username is hackingfunaccf...
The videos are entitled: "Animal Crossing City Folk Hacks Wifi Test 1" and "Animal Crossing City Folk Hacks Wifi Test 2"...
Don't forget to watch in High Quality...
Comment, feedback, rate, etc...
Do not spam...
Btw, new title picture added... :D
My username is hackingfunaccf...
The videos are entitled: "Animal Crossing City Folk Hacks Wifi Test 1" and "Animal Crossing City Folk Hacks Wifi Test 2"...
Don't forget to watch in High Quality...
Comment, feedback, rate, etc...
Do not spam...
Btw, new title picture added... :D
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The Two Choices
Rofltown: Hacked Town
Here is my hacked town map:
The bottom island includes every main building...
That little bump in the center is where my house is located...
The signs and neighbor's houses are on the strip of land below the river (cutting through my town)...
The top left hill includes player's 2, 3, and 4's houses...
The top right hill has nothing on it...
The island that includes the top left hill is "forest"...
The island that includes the top right hill is "pine forest"...
The middle strip includes no trees...
The strip above the main island is "fruit forest"...
The main island includes money trees...
Hoorah for hacks!
Btw, my photo album has been updated...
At the end is my BETA hacked town's flaws...
The bottom island includes every main building...
That little bump in the center is where my house is located...
The signs and neighbor's houses are on the strip of land below the river (cutting through my town)...
The top left hill includes player's 2, 3, and 4's houses...
The top right hill has nothing on it...
The island that includes the top left hill is "forest"...
The island that includes the top right hill is "pine forest"...
The middle strip includes no trees...
The strip above the main island is "fruit forest"...
The main island includes money trees...
Hoorah for hacks!
Btw, my photo album has been updated...
At the end is my BETA hacked town's flaws...
Okay, for some reason everytime a use a cheat on Ocarina for city folk it makes me time travel to new years eve of 2035!!!!! It's maddening!!!!!
Gracie is a [Admin Edit: Dummyhead]!!!!!
(sidenote) Yay! I can finally log in!
Admin Note: You've been caught by the Grammar Police!
Gracie is a [Admin Edit: Dummyhead]!!!!!
(sidenote) Yay! I can finally log in!
Admin Note: You've been caught by the Grammar Police!
My crazy Hacked up Town (HackTown)

I decided that while everyone else I have been reading about have hacked their towns beyond belief so I started to hack mine around a little and ended up with this.[bottom picture] I still have some things to do and I will keep everyone posted on this subject..
Edit: This is the next version of my town to the right.
A Voted Town and Contest
I have decided to create two towns. One's the vacation spot, the other is a secret. Once (if) I get unbanned, I shall let three people visit my town. After thirty minutes, they all leave and than I upload the next town. Than they vote on which one they like best, and that shall be the one where I host my "Summer Vacation in Winter!" Party. There will only be ONE party. Each person will choose one number in between 1-100. The three that get closest to the number win. The Contest thread shall be made once the three voters vote.
Note: This contest is only happening if I'm not permabanned.
Note: This contest is only happening if I'm not permabanned.
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