Friday, January 16, 2009

New Project: Mashi

I decided to search for a new idea so I looked at the Create Your Own New Character Thread, and found Mashi. Mashi was created by link76. Not only did he tell the info but made a picture. Due to his effort I thought I should do Mashi the cat.

Click here for the picture


Name: Mashi
Species: Cat
Gender: female
Personality: normal
Birthday: April 21
Furniture Set: lovely
Wall/Floor: lovely wall/floor
Music: K.K. Ballad
Catchphrase: ...nyee
Picture Description: I'm gonna beat you in the next Bug-off!
Clothes: lemon gingham
Description: A cat with brown fur, but her ears are purple. Her mouth is usually frowning and she has purple eyes. She has some fur sticking up at the top of her head that is also purple. The tips of her hands, feet, and tail are all purple. She also has rosy cheeks.


  1. Lol...
    Everyone gets an idea from the Create Your Own Character thread eventually... xD
