Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm Leaving The Hacking World

OK, it's not what I want...It's what I miss. I miss the working for something you really wanted, getting things the real way, not hacking them. Checking the stores everyday just to check to see if they have that furniture or shirt I want, instead of just going on the PC and creating it. I'm leaving the WoaH. I'm leaving the World of a Hacker...

For awhile. I'm coming back. I'm just restarting my town and keeping my close friends' FC. T-Island will be postponed for about a Month. I won't be posting here unless I see information, or anything else important to hackers....

On other news, the new ACToolKit V1.2 can be found here


  1. I know what that's like...

    Have fun working for stuff. That's what I've been doing. (I haven't actually hacked in weeks!)

    Good luck. :)

  2. Thanks for all you did in the Hacking World.

  3. To clear up any confusion... Please read the author's name... *Cough*Keno*Cough*...

    People have been PTing me about this... -_-'
