Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Character: Fern

I've made a new character. Her name's Fern. I create the idea of her a while ago on my "Create Your Own New Character" thread.

She's now complete!! At least, in my opinion. Please tell me if there's anything else that should be fixed that I missed.

Here's here information:

Name: Fern
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Female
Personality: Normal
Music: K.K. Metal
Wall/Floor: Basement Wall and Floor
Furniture: "Fire items"
Catchphrase: ...blazen
Description: Forest green squirrel with almond shaped eyes with red irises. The swirl on her tail changes in color from dark red to orange.


  1. Wow she's awesome! And her room is sweet!!! What wallpaper is that?

  2. i like the room
    i cant really see the pic >.<

  3. Edited post to make pictures bigger...

  4. Thanks. She's one of my more favored creation ideas.

  5. I think you should change the red to a green color. That's my opinion but otherwise she looks good =)
