Monday, June 15, 2009

Item - Dimentio Mask and Blue DSi

Made these quite awhile ago, actually...
Right after I finished the first version of the Ash ketchum hat...
Pictures? I have none (or at least no decent ones)...

I can steal DsPet's pictures of the Dimentio Mask, however...

The Blue DSi? Use your imagination...

The Dimentio Mask has been included in DsPet's latest version of EZ_DLC_Install...

Also, the downloads for all of my HDLC items are availible in the links section (hacking_fun's Texture Downloads)...

For those that can use ITEM_Tool...


  1. So if I were to put the Falcon Helmet in my game, what DLC would it replace and would it be wifi compatible? Or would it only load in testtown?

  2. So it always overwrites the same item slot?
